Sunday, June 21, 2009

I'm back!

I figure, I should really be able to put up a blog post everyday, but since I'm lazy, I'll do one as often as my laziness permits it.

Okay, so, last night, my friends and I made masks. It was really fun. I was first, because i was willing to be the experiment, it took almost 2 hours, bu we couldn't cover my mouth, because i have a cold, so I can only breathe out of my mouth. So, we took mine off, went to Lydia's house, and started on Liz. While Lydia was working on Liz, I made a mouth. All I really did was cover up the hole, so, there isn't any mouth. It kinda reminds me of Deadpool. I would take pictures, but, I'm to lazy. I'll put some up soon!


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